Transcription of the John D. Bicknell Papers

Transcription by D. Tisdale and Robert Sloan

Cerro Gordo 31 March 1878

John D. Bicknell Esq.

Los Angeles

Dear Sir

In Cerro Gordo mining district their are 4 springs in use. Belshaw Spring 4 miles north of town, amount of water in 24 hours 270 gallons, he rent it for $40~per month, C Crohn’s Spring ½ mile north of Belshaw’s, amount of water in 24 hours 700 gallons, Mexican Spring ¾ mile north west of Crohn’s amount of water in 24 hours 300 gallons, from the 3 above springs, the water is packed, and sold for 6 ¼ cents per gallon for domestic purposes. Duval Spring, which supplies the furnace and mine is 4 ½ miles N. W. from town, 3 pumps raise the water 2200 feet, it cant be used for domestic purposes, is very bad on machinery, a boiler does not stand it 2 years- When the C. G. W. & M. Co. bought Miller’s Springs, Duval Spring had 50000 gallons per day, last summer is only had 3500, they stopped twice a month on account of water, I think next summer it will dry up, the spring is in a limestone formation- Miller’s Spring where the C. G. W. & M. Co. pumps are, has very little water, several experts (or pretends to be so) says that by the expenditure, of $500- in running a tunnel a large supply of water could be got, I don’t agree with them, I have got a spring, I think as near Cerro Gordo, as Miller’s Springs, which supplies 180000 gallons per day, it is in a granite formation, and good water, the pumps and 3 miles of pipe would have to be taken up and set there, expense of so doing $5000-

If Duval Spring increases, it would be bad foley to bring my water in, Mr. Belshaw would compel packers to water their mules with Duval Spring water, therefore all that could be sold would be for domestic use about 800 gallons per day, if it was to decrease it would be the best speculation in Inyo County, or if the parties you represent would buy mines, we have plenty good ones, which could be bought for a small sum, provided, it was managed right, or put up a custom mill, we have plenty of milling ore, then their would be money in the water and mines.

I am willing to sell all the property, would another sell a portion and retain an interest. Mr. Beaudry said he would give me one a fair price for the property, but before doing so he would consult Mr. Belshaw. Mr. Belshaw’s offer was small, I did not accept it, he then offered $1000- for 2 boilers. I know he wants it, his notion is to get it as cheap as possible, before long he will find out his mistake, as I intend to bring water into Lone Pine, and Independence, then if he wants 2 boilers he can have them for $1000- There are other parties wishes to buy 4 miles of pipe, which I will let them have, provided Mr. Temple dose not want all of the property or make some agreement with me before the middle of my next.

I understand Mr. Hamilton is trying to sell some mines, maybe it is to you, or the parties you represent, if so please write me, it will be to your benefit.

Mr. J. S. Rothschilds & Co., of Independence have a mine here called the Ignash, it looks very well, they have got 200 ton of ore on the dump that goes from 100, to 400 oz per ton, they send to San Francisco 70 ton, they ask a big price perhaps by putting up a custom mill arrangements could be made to crush their ore- I am positive, if a custom mill was put up here, it would be a paying concern, we have plenty mines which has milling ore and I am

Yours Very Resptfy

J. G. Harwood

Cerro Gordo 25 April 1878

John D. Bicknell, Esq.

Los Angeles

Dear Sir,

Yours of the 13th inst rec’d last night, I have been to the pumps for the last two weeks or I would have answered sooner. -  Their is so much difference in opinion as regards putting the works in running order, I would prefer for you to send a competent man to look at them, the lowest estimate is $700 - the highest $5,000- the latter I think is the right one, as that amount would move the pumps to a spring which has 14 inches of water

I will take $3,100 cash and retain one tenth interest and pay assessments, or $2600- cash (^ 1/10th interest) and pay no assessments, on $3500- for the property without an interest,  it has cost me more than the latter sum.

The Swansea Co have started their furnace.  Supt Mr. Wheeler, was talking to me about the water works, he says the Co are going to put a mill in Cerro Gordo.-   J.S. Rothschild & Co are very anxious for some party to bring water to town, they have got a very good mine.-  The people of Independence, and Lone Pine , wants me to sell pipe to bring water to their towns. -  I think I told you Mr. Belshaw offered me $1000 -for two boilers.-  J.R. Hughes & Co are going to put a mill at the new gold mines in Bevridge mining district they want to buy the other boiler.-  J.T. Belshaw has offered me $175 for cabin stable and lot they are on and $500 for the dwelling house.

I have great faith in the mines of Cerro Gordo, if 1/50 th of the money which has been laid out in Darwin had been used here, we would have as good mines as their are in the state

I am almost sure that the spring which supplies the mine and furnace will not have half enough of water this summer, they had only 3500 gallons last fall, that is the reason why Mr Belshaw wants to buy the boilers, so he could get the balance for nothing. 

I am

Yours very resptfy,

J.G. Harwood

Cerro Gordo 13 May 1878

John D. Bicknell Esq.

Los Angeles

Dear Sir

Yours of the 7th inst.-  parties in Darwin and Lookout wished an inventory of the water works, I sent it to them, I think they wanted it for the following - There is a spring 12 miles from Darwin which has enough water to supply Darwin & Lookout, it will require 2 pumps to raise the water over a divide to Lookout, the spring is about 1000 feet higher than Darwin, - Or it may be to Lee District.  Sometime ago, I sent to Mr.  P. Taylor Supt. of the Emigrant mine an inventory of the property.

Mr. Fortune Supt of the Santa Rita Co last fall tried to raise a company to bring water to Darwin, and Lookout, he got superseded, I could do nothing as I lacked money and influence, besides I have no business qualities

I presume it will not be necessary to send you an inventory, as Mr. James Craig or Mr. H.S. Ledyard can inform you are well as I can, I may state that each boiler is capable of running a 5 stamp mill fans and all, the balance of the machinery is in proportion and I am

Yours Resptfy

J.G. Harwood